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Optical Coherence Tomography with Angiography

Virginia Eyecare is proud to announce in 2021 that we are one of the only eyecare specialists in the area who have the new OCT Angiography technology. In addition to all the features of regular OCT, this allows us to analyze retinal blood flow non-invasively.

The OCT provides a comfortable and rapid scan that may detect glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic macular edema well before other tests that have been used previously.

How is the exam performed?

The OCT is rapid and non-intrusive. There’s no pupil dilation or discomfort. You simply lean into the instrument and look at a visually comfortable light. A safe laser scans the back of your eye and acquires an image in less than one second. Exam times can take less than 1 minute!

The OCT is a significant breakthrough over existing tests. The standard pressure check (tonometry) is ineffective for detecting glaucoma in a significant percentage of individuals. Visual field testing (perimetry) is limited to measuring vision already permanently lost to glaucoma. The OCT provides precision data to assist your doctor in determining if you have glaucoma. These images and other information about your eye are compared to an extensive database to determine how your eye compares to healthy eyes and those with glaucoma.

The OCT can also give a detailed scan of the macula to help detect macular degeneration, diabetic macular edema, and other macular problems much earlier than was possible in the past.

In addition to all the features of regular OCT, OCT Angiography allows us to analyze retinal blood flow non-invasively. This helps us determine even sooner if the retina is being damaged due to Diabetes, if Glaucoma is progressing, and when Macular Degeneration becomes more advanced and needs acute treatment.

Many insurers cover the OCT, including Medicare. Call our office about coverage if you have questions or are looking for payment options.

Virginia Eyecare Center has the experience and equipment necessary to provide treatment, consultation and referrals for the vision correction procedures and surgeries detailed above at our office in Burke. Request an appointment with your eye care provider, and we will be in touch with you shortly.