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Ocular Emergencies

Make sure your eye issue is treated by an eye doctor!

Eye injuries and infections can occur at any time. Our office is equipped to handle these. The primary instrument we use is a biomicroscope, sometimes referred to as a slit lamp. The biomicroscope has a high magnification and is particularly designed to aid us in evaluating the extent of an eye injury or infection. Whether it is a laceration, foreign particle embedded, burn, infection, or inflammation, the biomicroscope is the primary tool to carefully examination the eye.

Embedded Foreign Bodies

A common injury is a hot iron metallic foreign body embedded in the cornea. Grinding or drilling iron or other metals will release particles that are hot and when they hit the eye they embed themselves in the cornea. If it is iron, as in this example, it will immediately begin to rust due to the salty consistency of our tears. When the metal particle is removed, there is a remaining rust deposit that has infiltrated the surrounding cornea. We have experience at removing these rust spots. With proper medical treatment these injuries resolve well.

If the foreign particle was embedded in the central visual axis of the cornea, there may be a scar remaining which could affect the patients ultimate visual acuity. Safety glasses are always recommended to prevent these types of injuries.

Contusions or “Black eyes”

Contusions, otherwise referred to as a “black eye,” can result in more than just the obvious bruises on the face. They can cause orbital fractures leading to double vision, retinal detachments, retinal hemorrhages, corneal abrasions, conjunctival hemorrhages, and even acute glaucoma or cataracts.

Corneal Abrasions

A corneal abrasion is a scratch or cut on the front clear part of the eye, the cornea. This can happen due to injury, getting something in the eye, rubbing the eye, and many other causes. A corneal abrasion will be very painful, and the eye may become red and sensitive to light. Corneal abrasions need to be treated to insure that an infection does not develop and to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the abrasion.

Eye Infections, Ulcers and Red Eyes

Eye infections or red eyes can have many different causes. Red eyes can be caused by infections, allergies, or inflammation such as iritis. Infections can be bacterial, viral or parasitic. It is very important to properly diagnose what is causing a red eye so it can be treated properly. Delay in proper treatment can have permanent consequences. Red or swollen eyelids also have various causes that can be diagnosed and treated at Virginia Eyecare Center. It is important to seek care from an eye doctor for an eye problem rather than an urgent care, primary care provider, or even the emergency room.

Sudden Vision Loss

Sudden vision loss is an emergency and should be evaluated right away.

Flashes of Light and Sudden New Floaters

Symptoms of “flashes of light” in your vision, when there is no light to explain the flashes, especially with new floaters or a curtain over part of the vision could indicate a retinal detachment. The retina does not have any pain sensors, so flashes are your best clue that there is something wrong.

Emergency Care

Our office staff is well trained to know how to expedite the treatment of all types of ocular emergencies, injuries, and infections. Call immediately when an injury occurs. We are here to help.

Virginia Eyecare Center has the experience and equipment necessary to provide treatment, consultation and referrals at our office in Burke. Request an appointment with your eye care provider, and we will be in touch with you shortly.