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Eye Diseases, Part 2

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition when there are retinal changes due to Diabetes. High blood sugar levels start a series of events which end in damaged blood vessel walls. As such, the blood vessels begin to leak fluid or bleed, causing the retina to swell and form deposits know as exudates. Vision can be lost if these spots are not watched and treated. Here, at our office, we carefully examine the back of your eyes to follow and manage this and other important eye diseases.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a degeneration of the retina in the central vision, called the macula. Often, there are no symptoms in early macular degeneration, but can lead to blurred and distorted central vision over time. It is believed that this breakdown may be due to a lack of nutrients being supplied to the region. Additional studies have found a genetic link to this disease. Treatment can range from close monitoring with retinal imaging and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), nutritional supplementation based on genetic testing, and ocular injections for more advanced macular degeneration.

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Glaucoma refers to a group of disorders that leads to damage of the optic nerve from intraocular pressure (IOP) that is too high. Glaucoma is diagnosed with a comprehensive eye exam including: measuring IOP with tonometry, examining the optic nerves with ophthalmoscopy and fundus imaging, visual field testing, Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT), gonioscopy, and pachymetry. Glaucoma is typically treated with eye drops, but may require laser or surgical treatment. Most people with glaucoma have no symptoms at all until 80% of their vision is irrevocably lost. That is one of the reasons it is so important to have an annual eye exam.

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