Dry Eye Disease
Virginia Eyecare Center doctors are dedicated to compassionately and effectively treating your Dry Eye and Blepharitis.
We will spend the necessary time with you to make your eyes comfortable and to preserve your vision.
We offer advanced treatments such as:
BlephEx eyelid micro-exfoliation
Prokera amniotic membrane lenses
Regerer-Eyes amniotic membrane eye drops
Medibeads moist heat compresses
Pure and Clean hypochlorous acid spray
Physician Recommended Nutraceuticals Dry Eye Omega Benefits
Tea Tree Cleansers for the treatment of Demodex
Prescriptions for Restasis and Xiidra when indicated
Punctal Plugs
We also offer advanced Diagnotic testing with the Oculus 5M, allowing us to image Meibomian glands, which are the eyelid glands that secrete oil into our tears every time we blink. The vast majority of Dry Eye is caused by a dysfunction and deterioration of these glands. We are seeing a huge increase in Dry Eye Disease as people are spending more time on electronic devices. When people use these devices, they blink less, causing clogging and then atrophy of the Meibomian glands. We are able to assess the health of your glands and prescribe an appropriate treatment regime to address any concerns.
Virginia Eyecare Center has the experience and equipment necessary to provide treatment, consultation and referrals for the vision correction procedures and surgeries detailed above at our office in Burke. Request an appointment with your eye care provider, and we will be in touch with you shortly.