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Covid-19 Update

Dear VEC Family,

We are now open NORMAL HOURS during the week, 8:30am-6:00pm Monday- Friday. We will still be closed on Saturday until Saturday, June 6th.

We are now accepting appointments for all reasons, including routine care, however, we are prioritizing those with a specific need or concern. We are still doing Telehealth and encourage high-risk patients to delay in-office visits if possible. We are here to help you determine whether or not you need to come in if you are unsure! We are also happy to bring your glasses to your car if you do not feel comfortable coming into the office.

A reminder about some new safety protocols to expect when entering our office during this time:

  • We are requiring that all patients wear a mask when in the office. All of our staff members will be wearing a mask as well.
  • We will require that all patients sanitize their hands upon entering our office.
  • We will be taking the temperature of all patients and staff upon arrival with a non-contact thermometer, and anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be sent home.
  • Any sick patient will be required to reschedule (coughing, fever, etc).
  • Any patient who has been in contact with a COVID-19 positive individual in the past 4 weeks will be required to reschedule.

We are of course continuing rigorous disinfection protocols.

We are limiting the number of people in various parts of our office to allow for as much social distancing as possible. Please come into the office to check in when you arrive, however, please understand that there may be instances where we ask you to wait outside or in your car until we are ready to help you, especially for our Optical Department.

We really appreciate your cooperation with these procedures, as we are doing everything we can to comply with OSHA requirements to keep you and our staff safe and comfortable!


Virginia Eyecare Center